Get a quote & Book

For real time availability, accurately prices, and the ability to make your booking with secure, online payment

To book a hire vehicle, select the type of vehicle and dates you require, then click the 'Request' button for your chosen vehicle group. Once you've submitted the request, we will contact you to confirm availability and take payment.

The booking info notes should assist, but please email us if you need any help, or call 01233 622991 to book over the phone.


Here are some tips to make your booking go smoothly from start to finish, with little to no waiting at our offices

The displayed prices are our standard rates. To get your online booking discount, select 'online discount'  in the extras section and your price will be adjusted.

Selecting start and finish times of either 8:00am or 5:00pm will ensure that you get the best price. If you need a pick-up or return time later in the day, please contact us for a quote.

Vans are available for hourly rental, but whilst prices will be displayed, we don't book hourly hires in advance. If you send a request, we will contact you nearer the time to confirm availability.

To get the correct evening and weekend rates and special rates for hires of one day and two nights, you must select a start time of 5:00pm and a return time of 8:00am.

Please call 01233 622991 to negotiate special rates for longer term hires.

Quote & Book

Contact Us

01233 622991

Kenhire Ltd
Henwood, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8DX